English Jaattlaget.com version en route

Dear visitor,

While we are grateful for your interest, we owe you an apology for the website’s lingual shortcomings. Recently launched in our native tongue, the site remains in its initial stages, even in its original language, which is Norwegian, of course. An English version has been in the pipeline for a couple of months, though, scheduled for launch within short.

Releasing its URL/address at this point would be slightly premature, but we would love to revisit the matter shortly, provided you are still interested. The easiest way to be kept in the loop would be to like our Facebook page, which will keep you and your newsfeed posted on our latest development:


Thank you very much, once more, for your kind interest. We will make sure to keep you up to date on the launch date, which, by the way, is imminent.

Meanwhile, please find a brief intro here.


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