Web site “finally” in English

Following a few months’ planning, and just a couple of weeks after the launch in Norwegian, the yacht sailor exhibition charity, commonly known as “Jåttlaget”, is proud to present the English edition of its website—even though it’s been known to some for a couple of days.

It’s a well-known fact that a great deal of the Tysnes yacht sailor’s descendants reside on the other side of the Atlantic, with a limited command of the old country’s language. In addition, the charity maintains a wide-spread cooperation with yacht clubs abroad. This website will help providing information that is otherwise hard to come by, but it is our hope that information may flow our way much easier, too.

We celebrate the event in our own small way, by asking you all to share the website with people you think may harbour an interest in the Tysnes yacht sailors or the Tysnes community, as it, to our knowledge, is in fact the only English-spoken site offering comprehensive information on the matter.

At any rate we would very much appreciate it if you share the site with friends and family, and the address is:


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